The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Attention All Irish Guys

October 23, 2020

Mikey Hoyle led the pledge of allegiance as vice president of the Irish Guys social club then got down to business at the emergency meeting. Can we wear our MAGA caps when we protest Joe Biden landing Saturday at the airport? I bought a new one special for the occasion, said Irish Guys president and […]

We Watching The Debate Tonight?

October 22, 2020

No, said Wilkes-Barre Mayor Spuds McAnus. We could make money for our Notre Dame Fund by packing in the Irish Guys here at the bar, Mikey Hoyle said. I’m boycotting the debate because of what they’re doing to Mr. Trump, McAnus said. Open up the Coal Hole at 5 for Happy Hour and offer drink […]

Shalom, Irish Guys

October 15, 2020

Do we have to like Jews, mayor? What kind of question is that, Mikey? I don’t know, I just don’t like them. Me, neither, says Wilkes-Barre Mayor Spuds McAnus. So I’m not wrong, says Mikey Hoyle. Look, you’re vice president of the Irish Guys. I’m president. Irish Guys don’t have to like anybody. Jesus, that’s […]

Mr. Trump’s Personal Vietnam

October 14, 2020

Trump dodged the draft, didn’t he? Wilkes-Barre Mayor and Irish Guys President Spuds McAnus shakes his head at Coal Hole bartender and Irish Guys Vice President Mikey Hoyle. Please show some respect to the president. Well, did he or didn’t he? McAnus puts down his beer and explains. Mr. Trump is America’s commander-in-chief. Our soldiers […]

Trump Is Healed

October 13, 2020

At 10 am, Irish Guys Vice President Mikey Hoyle finishes his first beer of what is shaping up as a fine Tuesday morning. Blessing himself, he makes his first prolific announcement of the day. The president says he’s healed. Two bar stools down, Wilkes-Barre Mayor and Irish Guys President Spuds McAnus says, thank God. Thank […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch