The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 29

March 26, 2021

Idling outside the bar, the yellow Scranton School District bus sat driverless and empty. Each morning the driver stopped for a bottle of Miller High Life and a shot of Old Grand-Dad bourbon whiskey. After delivering the neighborhood Catholic hooligans safely to their teachers he always made the same statement Little bastards, he said. Earl […]

Michael Jackson Lives

March 24, 2021

In 2005 a man we’ll call Artist X never missed a day in court during Michael Jackson’s four-month-long child molestation trial. Picking up his pen one day in a California courtroom, the artist opened a reporter’s notebook to a clean lined page. Never taking his eyes off Jackson who sat pale as a grim zombie, […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 28

March 22, 2021

Celebrating the Friendly Sons’ banquet crash over whiskey sours at the dining room table, Mabel held up her glass in a toast. I always said I wasn’t going to wear a bra to the dinner, she said. You sure showed them, Zerelda said. In more ways than one, Mabel said. The women hugged. When Casey […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 27

March 19, 2021

Looking up from polishing her mother’s silverware, Mabel confessed. I don’t want to crash the Friendly Sons’ dinner. Aw, c’mon, Zerelda said. Let’s boycott instead, Mabel said. Casey already left to spike the COVID Miracle Cure with LSD for our number one Friendly Son, Zerelda said. Mabel pulled a fresh bottle of Paddy Irish whiskey […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 26

March 15, 2021

Leftover painkiller bottles from dental work, statins, blood pressure, cholesterol medication and baby aspirins provided the plastic pill containers former Scranton Mayor Harry Davies filled with 100 percent Scranton tap water. The big spenders with all the cash get the first servings of my Miracle Cure COVID Tonic, he said. Gino shook his head. You […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch