The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 25

March 12, 2021

Steam lifted from scalding mugs of tea as Mabel, Casey and Zerelda took time to talk and sip. The Three Musketeers used to say “all for one and one for all,” Mabel said. Zerelda seemed embarrassed. Who? Mabel took a soft tone. Alexandre Dumas wrote a famous book in which the three main characters stood […]

A Crappy Confrontation

March 9, 2021

They looked alike, father and son. Both adults wearing scraggly beards and suspenders with baggy work jeans, from their outward appearance they sure didn’t look like the kind of guys to own labradoodles. On walks the big black dogs bounded this way and that as the pair tried to keep them under control. The dogs […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 24

March 8, 2021

“PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN’S FIRST SCRANTON PRESS CONFERENCE” would kick off at noon. Untested presidential impersonator Timmy Kelly wallowed in visions of fame and fortune as he spent all day Friday tacking up notices throughout Biden’s old Green Ridge neighborhood, even dropping off flyers at the blah Times Tribune newspaper and at the one local television […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 23

March 5, 2021

Menace pumped up the volume in Mabel’s voice. Somebody better let me out of this closet soon or I’m peeing all over this nice American flag folded in a triangle and stored in this damn closet, she said. Earl jumped up from the table. Goddamn, that’s the flag from my daddy’s funeral. Mabel squealed. Oooh, […]

Resist Friendly Sons’ Racism

March 3, 2021

Countless white women in Scranton, PA, long ago gave up fighting sexism or never cared enough to begin with. One of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s largely unspoken questions in today’s battle for equal opportunity is whether Black women in President Joe Biden’s birthplace will take up the cause. Will a Black woman be the first woman to […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch