The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Kamala Harris for President?

July 7, 2024

As of now either Democrat Joe Biden or Republican Donald Trump will be elected America’s next commander-in-chief. Despite the deep dismal failings of the Democratic Party, I’d rather they win. But I won’t help. I won’t vote for Biden. I might vote for Vice President Kamala Harris if she replaces her boss on the November […]

Beat Poems

July 6, 2024

BROTHERS Helo’s quick to tell you the road recognizes its own riding his heavy metal Harley fierce Viking beard in the wind tattooed fists clutching black grips retired Marine instincts firing on all cylinders on a solo run through the country when Helo spots a 400-pound bruiser bear on all fours on the same stretch […]

Beat Poems

July 5, 2024

When you see the photograph of me toasting life with a cold can of Tecate Mexican beer you know you came to the right place. Like a favorite bar where you can turn over a table without the owner calling the cops, my “Beat Poems” welcomes vagabonds, drifters and the unhinged. This new website feature […]

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres

July 3, 2024

¡ViIVA LA REVOLUTION! firing squads blasted bullet holes into Mexican stone walls killing patriots who live forever in minds still burning with freedom Pancho Villa, Zapata, Jesús Malverde Margarita Neri shooting and looting with her campesino worker army Eagle and Serpent sent by Maya gods to free island people Rebels fought for land and liberty […]

Good Jobs Don’t Kill People

July 1, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters lined the Scranton General Dynamics ammunition plant driveway Sunday afternoon shouting “shame” as workers came and went during an employee shift change. Workers there make shell casings workers elsewhere in America fill with explosives to send to Israel to kill Palestinian men, women and children. More than 35,000 civilians have died in the […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch