The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Dunite Spirits Speak

December 16, 2023

A ghostly spirit came to me in a swirling vision last night and ordered, “No more ‘excess’ writing for a while.” “In the next nine months you will write only a handful of journal entries, essays and columns,” said Gavin Arthur, the leader of the tribe who oversees the legacy of the mysterious California Central […]

Peace Is Paradise

December 14, 2023

Many years ago in a different life in a different world I sat at the kitchen table drinking Rolling Rock beer and wondering if I could ever get a full-time daily newspaper job writing the personal journalism that eventually shaped my identity and served as my calling card and meal ticket. At the time I […]

Making You Uncomfortable

December 13, 2023

The dirty Russians are bombing Kyiv with missiles and destroying a children’s playground. Terrible, you say. Of course, it is. The dirty Israelis are bombing Gaza and destroying a children’s playground. KILLING THE CHILDREN, TOO. Self-defense, you say. You stand with Israel. Tell me what I’m missing. I can safely say “dirty Russians” because most […]

Screw Norman Mailer

December 12, 2023

Yesterday I wrote in this journal that “writers write,” profound words I live by. By which I live? Profound? Not really. The sentiment is simple if you write. Either you do it or you don’t. Too many aspiring writers bullshit themselves and the world, talking a good game and posturing. Too many wannabe writers don’t […]

The Masses Are Asses

December 11, 2023

You’re mad at me? I should be mad at you. But I don’t get angry anymore. I don’t get mad at people. I might even be beyond disappointment. All that spent energy is a waste of my time. I accept the world’s harsh reality while trying to change what little I can on my tiny […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch