The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Swan Dive! Ch. 28: So God Made a Fighter

November 30, 2022

Some short, some tall, including a Mexican little people tag team wearing rubber masks that covered their heads and a trans woman who billed herself as the “Amazon Zombie,” a dozen hungover professional wrestlers, some clothed in mismatched torn tights, multicolored capes, scuffed black combat boots, fedoras with feathers and worse, jumped from four Dodge […]

Swan Dive! Ch. 27: Fake News?

November 23, 2022

“I saw your wife dancing Watusi on a table at RayRay’s Elbow Room in Clearwater Beach,” billionaire Russian oligarch gangster Borys Popov said. The booming voice on the other end of the telephone call gasped. “Why should I believe you? Russians are pathological liars,” said the man Borys Popov called “Meester Beeg.” “I was peeping […]

Swan Dive! Ch. 26: Girls’ Night Out

November 16, 2022

White wax candles lit Kim’s bedroom in a soft flickering glow. With her eyes open wide as communion hosts she shivered beneath a soft pink blanket. Ruby stood by Kim’s bed. “What an excellent day for an exorcism,” said Tara, one half of Kim’s split personality. “You would like that?” Ruby asked. “Intensely,” saidShannon, the […]

Swan Dive! Ch. 25: Mad Margins of the Mind

November 11, 2022

Thousands of pounds of exercise weights and equipment filled Kim Philips’ living room. To make room for what looked and smelled like a dingy gymnasium stinking from body odor and sweat, she had piled tables and chairs on top of each other, pushing a cabinet into one corner, a china closet into another and the […]

Swan Dive! Ch. 24: Returning to Earth

November 2, 2022

Gulls don’t think critically. Witches can’t cast crippling spells. Oh, yeah? Wait until a witch turns you into a bird and you’re flying around thinking about how to become human again. The paranormal world is only a dream away. Are the dead real when they visit us in our sleep? Does the universe inhale and […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch