The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

I Have Questions, You See

January 26, 2021

The White House switchboard operator asked why I wanted to talk with somebody in the press office. What is your affiliation? I’m a veteran journalist who writes news blogs, I said Monday, and I need contact information for the person assigned to respond to media inquiries from Scranton. I have questions, you see. I didn’t […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 13

January 25, 2021

With her hair piled on her head like a sticky pink cotton candy beehive, Timmy Kelly’s sister, Shannon, painted her toenails cranberry red and sipped a strawberry wine cooler straight from the bottle. Wearing a headset and baby doll pajamas she took the first call of the day. When Shannon started her home business making […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 12

January 22, 2021

Digging into his bowl of soggy corn flakes, Gino chewed hard and loud, loaded with pride in his refusal to watch one second of the inaugural swearing-in ceremony on TV. With the inmates storming the asylum two weeks ago and COVID-19 bugs spreading all over town, as far as he was concerned Joe and Kamala […]

Scranton Lives Matter! Ch. 11

January 18, 2021

Oogabooga, my brother, said Earl Schmidt. Timmy Kelly lifted his aviator glasses and looked hard at the reverend. Huh? Earl explained. Black cave men used to say boogabooga. White cave men said oogabooga. Now that’s our battle cry for the civil war, Earl said. Civil war? Earl kept talking. Pay attention, boy. White cave men […]

Scranton Lives Matter Ch. 10

January 15, 2021

Petrified the cops had his house surrounded Gino answered the phone on the first ring. Let me talk to Harry, said Judge Dombroski, who Gino always called Dumbroski. Gino obeyed. After all, the man was a Scranton judge. Escaped federal prisoner and former Scranton Mayor Harry Davies grabbed the phone. You’re free, the judge said. […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch