The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Bonkers Biden Goes Off The Rails

November 21, 2021

By the time I got home from President Joe Biden’s Scranton speech last month, I stood with my official White House issued Gonzo Today press credential hanging from my neck, fuming in the kitchen, threatening to tear off my white dress shirt without unbuttoning the buttons. My fingers hurt so much from trying to undo […]

Just Call My Name/I’ll be There

November 21, 2021

I’m having a flashback. A blinding California sun hangs like an exploding navel orange in the boundless sky, making me squint in the sweltering summer glare of celebrity. I think I see a zebra.  This afternoon in 2005 I’m a guest at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch near Los Olivos, about 125 miles northwest of Los […]

Rice Paddy Karma

November 20, 2021

Rusty received the letter Saturday afternoon, read the hand-printed message on smudged white copy paper folded three times, went back to bed and lay awake staring at the ceiling until 6 a.m. Sunday morning. When he got up for early Mass the scrawled words still flashed in his head. “Remember me in Vietnam? You rape […]

Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet: A Short Story

October 31, 2021

“You’ll scare the kids, Lester.” “Good.” Five-year-old Lucy, whom both parents spoiled, bolted into the room giggling and wailing at the top of her little lungs as she sang her Halloween melody. “Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.” “Oh, my God, she’s so cute,” Nora said. Lester put down […]

Boo Who? A Short Story

October 30, 2021

Each first and last name etched in black on each plastic tombstone lit by purple lights on Stewart Pinsky’s Halloween display in his front yard represented a real person who lived on his block. “Not funny, Stewart,” Vera said. “I think it’s hilarious,” he said. “Take them down,” his wife said. “Not on your life,” […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch