Kiss Me, I’m Taliban: A Short Story

Mullah Mateen sat in an oxblood leather chair at a massive glass-topped desk in former Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani’s office, taking his turn posing for triumphal cell phone photos with other Taliban commanders who took Kabul without even trying.

 Don’t smile, he tells himself. Taliban commanders aren’t supposed to smile even though a couple of the younger fighters have started to lighten up, wearing basketball sneakers and baseball caps they picked up when the American infidels got out of town. Almost all devils are gone now, except for deadly CIA mercenaries and their traitorous allies.

Mullah Mateen stopped the victory party as soon as he asked the question of the day. Always well-mannered, as the name Mateen signifies in the Pashto language, he spoke in a firm, yet soft, voice.

“Now what?”

Nobody wanted to answer because nobody really knew. Those leaders who thought they knew stood at odds with other men who thought they knew. But nobody really knew.

“The Afghan government robbed us,” Mullah Mateen said.

The men grumbled, raising into the air newly-confiscated American M4 carbines, fully-automatic M4A1s, M249 machine guns and rocket launchers.

“The Afghan government robbed American taxpayers, too,” he said.

The men cheered.

“So we’re broke, just like most Americans,” Mullah Mateen said.

Now the men went glum, their already creased and hardened faces falling like the Great Buddhas of Bamiyan the Taliban used artillery and explosive charges to blast out of a mountainside in 2001. Blasphemous idols Mullah Mateen called the statues at the time from his camp in the hills. Twenty years later, the battle-tested insurgent victor kept going, expressing strategic transitional concerns.

“Where will we get money to run our own government? Even with all the trucks, guns, ammunition and even helicopters the enemy left, we don’t have money for upkeep, repairs or maintenance. We don’t have money to fix potholes, make electricity, pick up the garbage or provide unclogged sewers. We need American cash and credit to buy on the open market.”

At a loss for answers, the men shot holes in the ceiling.

Then Mullah Mateen laid bare his ancestral soul, dropping a bomb with his outrageously masculine proposal.

“I have studied the American President Joe Biden. Like us, he favors tribal rites and ritual. He’s American of Irish descent. Many American Irish men think like we do. They call themselves the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick.”

Mullah Mateen unconsciously stroked his bullet belt.

“These men scorn women. Oppress women. Discriminate against women. Harass women. Ban them from events. Put them in their place. These men agree with us that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. Not like here where we can throw them in the stove but a place for them to slave over a stove preparing great dinners of meat and vegetables like the ham and cabbage they cook on the one big lineal observance when American Irish men and boys gather together and celebrate.”

The fighters stopped shooting and started to listen.

Mullah Mateen pulled on his unkempt beard.

“Paddy’s Day, these men call this custom, a feast day to honor this holy elder in his long beard and tunic. Millions of people parade in Paddy’s honor, worshipping a green three-leafed shamrock plant that grows wild and free like our opium poppy plants.”

Armed commanders started to chant.

“Paddy’s Day, Paddy’s Day.”

Mullah Mateen held up his hand, regained their attention and continued.

“This Saint Patrick as they call him enraptures President Biden so much Biden appeared three times as featured speaker in the rural province where his hometown Scranton is located for the yearly Friendly Sons dinner that Imam Patrick’s followers hold to honor their bearded commander. The men in attendance benefit from meeting each other, politicians and businessmen, vowing allegiance to the male cause that upholds gender segregation.”

“Important as she is to democracy, Black American Vice President Kamala Harris is banned from this sacred banquet,” he said.

“Powerful elected officials like United States Senator Bob Casey Jr., another drowsy, big-feeling Democrat from Scranton, support this bigoted male supremacist group. Casey has a wife and four daughters he prohibits from attending the dinner unless they want work as waitresses for low wages to serve men. Lethargic Casey’s only concern about attending the dinner is that he might fall asleep at the table.”

One young adherent snickered.

“We have long hair and beards. Casey has no hair or beard. Biden has expensive hair plugs. We’re tougher, too,” he said.

Mullah Mateen picked his teeth with the sharpened point of a dagger.

“Yes, we are tougher. We all remember what happened when handsome Shameer touched and sniffed my sister’s hair,” he said.

“The way Joe Biden touches and sniffs,” the young fighter said.

“We cut off Shameer’s nose and fed it to stray curs in the street,” Mullah Mateen said.

Then we ate them,” the young fighter said.

“And ISIS calls us liberals!” Mullah Mateen said.

His men nodded as he went on.

“Biden identifies as a Democrat, sensitive and empathetic. He will quickly understand when we say we need America to give us money to feed the poor the way they gave money to the corrupt Afghan elite who stole the cash. Afghan’s traitor president loaded three cars and a helicopter with dollars before taking off for his mansion in Dubai. Now it’s our turn. But we will ingratiate ourselves to the heathen American scum without losing our core principles.”

The fighters became agitated.

One old man screamed.

“Can we still abuse women?”

“Of course,” Mullah Mateen said.

The young fighter wanted more detail.

“Ingratiate how?”

“We start a Friendly Sons chapter here. We hold a St. Patrick’s dinner and invite President Joe Biden to be our first guest speaker. We dye our turbans and beards green for Paddy’s Day,” Mullah Mateen said.

“Biden will love the Friendly Taliban of St. Patrick,” the young fighter said.

“So much that he might make Kabul a sister city to Scranton,” Mullah Mateen said.

The young fighter beamed.

“St. Patrick reminds me of Osama bin Laden.”

Mullah Mateen could no longer help himself and had to laugh.

“Kiss me, I’m Taliban,” he said.

Hello Ma/The Final Chapter

Mole stood grimacing at the bar and blocking the waitress station at Clayt’s Horseshoe Tavern. Taller than a gun cabinet and just as broad, his stringy, greasy hair the color of fresh-poured asphalt hung below double-wide shoulders. The beard looked like a bramble bush with dead sparrows trapped in its branches. Mole’s nose looked like a snout that protruded small, sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes.

The colors he wore on the back of a cutoff frayed denim vest identified him as president of the Crushers, a ragtag bunch of outlaw bikers from California trying to expand the club into Pennsylvania. The Crushers were undergoing a restructuring after their last president quit the gang and the club enforcer died when a giant coyote tore his ass up outside a Shell Beach liquor store on the Central Coast. At the time it never crossed Mole’s mind the Pagans would kick his ass as soon as they heard he was in town recruiting prospects.

Andy Liddick gave the big man a smile.

“What can I get you?”

“My brother Lester’s foot.”

The bartender backed up.

“Is that like a Tom Collins?”

“You trying to be funny?”

“No sir.”

Mole leaned over the bar and whispered.

“Lester totaled his GTO last week coming here on club business and died in a pile a mile down the road from here. His left cowboy boot and matching foot is missing. My mama can’t bury his personal parts without his foot. Mama says you got to be whole to get to heaven.”

“Sounds like a Skeeter Dillon song,” Andy Liddick said.

“I’m gonna ask you one last time. You seen Lester’s foot?”

“Skeeter towed in the GTO. I’d ask him.”

“Where’s this Skeeter bug live at?”

“We had a party for him here last night. He left for Nashville this morning.”

“We’ll just go get him.”


“Welcome to the Crushers, brother. You’re our first member on the East Coast.”


“You got a motorcycle?”


“Me, neither, I left mine back in California to fly here. We’ll steal a couple when the bar closes. Now let’s rip the sleeves off your Wrangler jacket and let me spray paint CRUSHERS and PENNSYLVANA across the back.”

By that time Skeeter was crossing the Mason-Dixon Line heading for Virginia singing his song:

Hello Ma

I hope you’re well

Don’t worry ‘bout me cause I’m going to hell

I’ll know a lot more people there

You might go too

So you better beware

Singing so hard he started to choke, pounding the steering wheel to catch his breath, Skeeter knew he had a hit. That’s what he had on his hands, a living, breathing hit song that would take the country scene by storm whether they knew it or not down there in the grit-sucking South. One thing about being from up North is that you always came away a winner. The Civil War settled all that. The North won. The South lost. End of story. Northern rednecks hated Southern rednecks. You didn’t hear much about that rivalry.

Southerners he called “rebnecks” ate grits with their eggs. Northern Pennsylvania Dutchmen rednecks ate scrapple with ketchup. That’s all a Perry County boy needs to know about American history.

Skeeter hated everything from the South – even South Philadelphia – especially Dr. Pepper. He once told a state trooper at the scene of a triple fatal accident that the driver died because he was drinking Dr. Pepper. The guy was just holding a bottle of that soda when he hit a 10-point buck and the deer’s antlers smashed the bottle and sent shards of glass into the man’s brain.

Dr. Pepper killed him, Skeeter told the cop who wrote that fact in his official report.

All Skeeter needed was a cooler loaded with cans of Reading beer. Normally a Pabst drinker, the Reading was on sale. After 12 beers Skeeter lost control of the tow truck on a curve when he stared too long at a faded chewing tobacco ad painted on the side of a barn and wondered too long why these crackers in the Confederacy or anywhere else for that matter chewed the stuff.

The truck rolled and rolled some more, crumbling like a Reading can, a dozen of which flew from the cooler and rolled with ice cubes down a dirt and gravel hill on the other side of the guard rail. Lester’s boot, foot included, that Skeeter placed gently for safekeeping on top of the beer and the ice in the cooler, landed in a stagnant gully, killing a frog that was so sluggish from pollution he just couldn’t jump fast and high enough to escape its maker – just like Skeeter, whose head squashed on the windshield like a mashed West Nile Virus mosquito hitting a Mack truck grille doing 90 miles per hour.

Back up North, Andy Liddick couldn’t get over his good fortune to be chosen the newest Crusher vice president. That night after work he stole Candy the barmaid’s Harley and met Mole at midnight on the highway. Hiding something behind his back, Mole smiled a barbarian smile and asked Andy to come with him because Mole had something to show him.

Andy complied. After all, Mole was the president. When Mole said “look up, Andy, there’s a bald eagle in that tree,” Andy didn’t even think that it was midnight and how could Mole with those heavily-lidded squinty eyes see America’s big bird symbol of freedom even at noon let alone at the darkest time of night. So Andy looked and Mole whacked him in the back of the head with an ax, knocking Andy Liddick out colder than a couple of leftover pizza slices in the freezer at Clayt’s. The plan came to him when Andy Liddick told him about the brand new black Tecova cowboy boots he bought for the trip down South. Andy’s boots didn’t match the beauties Lester wore, but Mama was losing her eyesight and wouldn’t know the difference.

Raising the ax over his head, Mole swung, first hitting soft leather, cutting past unwashed white sweat sock, pale, pimpled flesh and right through the bone at the ankle. The body part easily separated from the leg, dropping like a felled redwood at the hands of an expert lumberjack.

That scum Skeeter had a day’s lead on him and Mole would never find him anyway. Mama was still crying her eyes out waiting for her boy’s foot so she could find peace of mind with one last piece of body for one full dress funeral. With Andy’s foot replacing Lester’s, the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak.

Mole rode fast into the sunset heading west with one slightly used Tecova and a foul-smelling tootsie wrapped in a black plastic garbage bag tied around his waist. He and Mama would have a big California biker funeral for Lester. Mole would recruit dozens of new Crushers from the mourners’ ranks.

Screw the East Coast.

He was afraid of them Pagans anyway.

Hello Ma Part 2

Sopping up a puddle of spilled beer with a week-old rag, the young bartender heard a gravelly voice and thought the customer had lost his mind. Skeeter sat on his barstool repeating his name over and over.

“Skeeter Dillon. My name is Skeeter Dillon. Hi, I’m Skeeter Dillon. Skeeter Dillon’s my name. Outlaw country music’s my game.”

The bartender expressed genuine concern.

“You OK?”

“My name is Skeeter Dillon.”

“Like Bob Dylan?”

“No, like the marshal.”

“You playing here tonight?”

“No, I’m just drinking here tonight.”

“So why you got your guitar case with you?”

“You never know, do you?”

“Marshal Dillon’s your stage name, right?”

“That sounds real good, son, but I’m sticking with Skeeter Dillon, my born-at-home Christian name.”

“Skeeter’s your real name?”

“Yessir, my ma says mosquitoes coming in through holes in the screen door buzzed all around her head while she was giving birth to me on the kitchen floor.”

“And you’re still buzzing right along,” the bartender said with a big grin.

“Got that right, boy. I’m planning on making it big at the Grand Ole Opry. I’m practicing how to introduce myself to the audience.”

Despite the record company brush-off, Skeeter was still trying to figure out how to get his first gig.

He told the bartender about the record company executives and how they didn’t care about hurting his feelings when they told him his song was no good and that he shouldn’t quit his day job.

“Damn, I got a day job and a night job,” he said.

Skeeter always showed up with his tow truck. No wreck was too big or too small on the back roads or on Route 11 & 15. Persistent to a fault, he just kept going.

“Let me buy you a drink, mister,” the bartender said.

“Thanks, partner.”

Four beers, two shots and nine Slim Jims later, Skeeter was back in the truck looking at the cowboy boot he wrapped in a black garbage bag after finding it in the back seat of the vintage gray GTO the driver wrapped around a telephone pole the night before. Mangled and mashed, the dead man’s body took a lot of extracting with a piece here and a piece there.

Cutting through the side of the boot with his Buck knife, Skeeter opened up the fine black leather with purple stitching and exposed the human foot. Intact and discolored in hues of yellow and blue, the first responders missed that fresh body part when they were picking up the pieces after the wreck.

Skeeter only found the expensive hand tooled western wear by accident. Why he didn’t just call the cops he didn’t know. Maybe because the radio in the car kept going on and off, a short in the wiring probably, and Skeeter took the loud country music as a sign that maybe he should keep trying, keep singing and writing songs about life as he saw it, maybe one day making it to Nashville after all.

The last song he heard reminded him of a tune that came to him like a religious vision in the shower a week or so ago, a song about dying and asking God in heaven for a two-headed hound dog so the pooch could lick Skeeter’s face with twice as much love as the dog gave him here on earth.

Skeeter knew “Double Dog Dare You, Jesus” would be a hit. He just knew it. Those shit-kickers at the record company already knew his name so he might as well try them again.

That’s when he saw the green roll of bills thick as a moldy cinnamon bun. Not bloody but secure inside the boot, the cash showed a crisp hundred on the front. A gold money clip with the ace of spades engraved on the exterior secured the folded money snug as a bug in a rug.

When he got home he counted the greenbacks, spreading out thirty 100 dollar bills on the table in the kitchen in the double-wide he got to keep in the divorce. Popping a fresh can of Pabst, he sat alone with his thoughts for about an hour. Then he grabbed the notebook he bought six months ago at the Dollar Store and picked up his plastic pen he stole from the finance company when he borrowed money for the T-shirts to promote his first song, “Hello Ma.”

Skeeter began to compose.

“Ain’t asking much, Jesus, just a two-headed dog

To lick my face in heaven

Double dog dare you, Jesus, a two-headed dog

To give me twice as much love in heaven.”

When he finished, Skeeter jumped up from the table and ran to the refrigerator for another cold one.

He grabbed two cans – one for him and another for him, too.

“Sonofabitch, I think I’m on to something here,” he said.

“Nashville here I come.”

Hello Ma

Skeeter sat in his tow truck and wrote the lyrics to a country song on a ketchup-stained Bunny Burger wrapper from the Red Rabbit Drive In. Titled, “Hello Ma,” Skeeter knew the tune would hit the charts. Singing softly to himself in a voice that sounded like rust looks, he put the finishing touches on the battle ballad that honored the trials and tribulations of suffering Afghanistan-induced PTSD.

Partial to baseball caps, Skeeter planned to buy himself a black Stetson with a rattlesnake skin band when he sang onstage at the Grand Ole Opry. Skeeter would step to the microphone and say, “This is my song about my living and dying in America.” Then he’d dig into the meat and potatoes of the matter.

“Hello Ma I hope you’re well

I need a bus ticket home

My sanity’s gone and my old lady, too

Got nowhere else to roam

Hello Ma I hope you’re well.

Sorry I ain’t called you in a while

Been on a bender for 13 weeks

The sober life’s not my style

You remember my pit bull? Well she just died. My best buddy Clay died too.

Outlaw bikers want the money I owe

Looks like I’m really screwed

Hello Ma I hope you’re well

Sorry I missed daddy’s wake

Totaled my motorcycle that same week

I sure could go for a steak

When I get home I’ll make it up to you

We’ll dance two-step in the bar until dawn

I promise you my words are true

You’ll feel like I never been gone

Hello Ma, are you still there?

Can’t hear your voice no more.

C’mon Ma please talk to me

I’m wounded from the Taliban war.

C’mon Ma, please don’t hang up

Don’t think I’m gonna last”

C’mon Ma, please talk to me.

You little boy’s sinking fast”

A month later Skeeter got a letter from a small record company in Nashville telling him the song was too depressing for the current genre of country music fans. The record company vice president wrote that Skeeter would be better off staying in the tow truck business. The song wasn’t very good, either, the VP wrote.

Skeeter had to admit the song wasn’t very good.

Now he had no idea what to do with the 1,500 red, white and blue T-shirts he borrowed money to buy with “Hello Ma” printed across the front and “Remember Our Afgan Vets” printed across the back.

Guess he’d just have to wear them to work.

At least he wouldn’t have to spring for a Stetson.

Playing Chicken

Playing Chicken

John ate chicken wings until his heart blew up at the best table in the American legion. Pouring Pabst draft beer down his gullet that night as fast as sea water must have rushed into the Titanic, he only took a breath to shove one spicy morsel after another into his mouth until he choked and oxygen stopped circulating through his clogged airway.

His wife Jane jumped into action just like she learned at the YMCA CPR class, pounding on her hubby’s chest even before he slid off his chair to the dance floor. Trying to remember the cadence to the Bee Gees song, she mixed up the group’s hits and applied pressure to their first recorded song and not the theme song to the disco movie she watched every time it was on TV.

John didn’t budge. Neither did the chicken bone lodged in his throat no matter how hard Jane slammed her soul mate’s fat belly or how many times. That bone wasn’t going nowhere. John’s chicken wing eating days were over.

The bartender pulled a tablecloth over John’s head and kept serving drinks until the paramedics arrived. Three former Marines shooting pool said he had to keep up morale no matter who died on the floor.


Keep the juke box going, too, said a 75-year-old former M-60 machine gunner in Vietnam.

Goddamn, said the bartender, John never did that before.

Jane ordered a double tequila.

No, he didn’t, she said.

Pee Soup

At his end of his retirement party, Shorty stood onstage at the microphone and tried to be funny.

No, he said, I’m not giving away my stock portfolio.

The crowd roared its appreciation.

Samantha and Jason, his children, clapped the loudest.

Soon they would run their father’s pea soup empire.

Soon they would know the secret.

CNN and all three networks had scheduled interviews for the weekend. Shorty promised producers to “spill the beans” even though no beans appeared in the legendary concoction he sold in stores nation-wide that drew tourists to his original restaurant location in Scranton, PA, “PeaYaay,  as Shorty pronounced his home state’s name in the crazy television commercials he made famous during his 30-year career.

A multi-millionaire ten times over, Shorty looked forward to retirement.

He had wanted to get even for years.

His kids needs a good kick in the ass and Shorty looked forward to the long-overdue comeuppance. Maybe he should pull the rug from under them on national TV in one last over-the-top commercial as he exposed the secret recipe to the world.

But why wait?

“C’mon up here you two,” Shorty announced from the stage.

Pea soup aficionados in the crowded theater erupted in cheers, applause, hoots and whistles.

“Pea soup, pea soup, pea soup,” they chanted.

Oh my God, Samantha said.

I am not ready for this, Jason said.

But up they went into the spotlights that bathed their stylish finery in hues of blue and soft amber. Hipster Jason wore a custom-made green tuxedo with stripes down the leg that looked like flames. Sultry Samantha wore a see-through gown that made her breasts look like jumbo water balloons. Both siblings stunk of alcohol. Jason rubbed specks of cocaine off his right nostril as he climbed and tripped o the steps to the stage. Samantha scratched inappropriately.

Let’s hear it for my two little sweet peas, Shorty said.

He cleared his throat.

When I started this company I didn’t have a pot to piss in, he said.

All I did was work. My wife Midge died when an early batch exploded because the kids were both stoned and left the gas on in the kitchen before they lit another joint. Of course they escaped unharmed.

Samantha blushed.

Jason chuckled.

Nobody wanted to buy our soup. I was pissed. Then one night I stood on a chair and peed into the kettle. Don’t ask me why. The release just felt good. For some reason that batch took off. So I peed into the next batch. That shipment did even better. For the next three decades I peed into each shipment. Nobody knew which one got my salty surprise seasoning. But the soup got me on the cover of last month’s Grub Magazine as the most famous “souper” chef in America. The rest is history. Or shall I say “pisstory?” People don’t realize how accurate my motto “Real P (with a capital P) Soup” really is. The moral of the story? It’s always better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Take it away, kids, it’s all yours.

A Letter To Shamus’ Namesake

Dear Seamus,

My father “Shamus” Corbett, your great-grandfather’s brother and the man after whom you are named, lived during a changing time. Born in 1919, he experienced untold advances in the world before he died in 1997 at age 78.

Shamus knew, as the proverb teaches, that “time and tide wait for no man.” He knew we should bide our time and not waste time on senseless pursuits.

Paddy Gallagher’s watch helped Shamus remember those timely lessons of life.

Paddy’s pocket watch still glistens.

About 92 years ago, Paddy drove a laundry truck from one end of Scranton to the other. Stopping at countless fine houses in the Hill Section of Scranton to collect shirts from the stuffed bunch that could afford to send out their cleaning during those hard years, Paddy did an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.

Hunched over the wheel in a crisp, clean deliveryman’s uniform and cap, he’d sail the streets of his Minooka neighborhood, blowing the horn and waving at the army of kids who cheered his truck rolling down Birney Avenue.

One of those kids was my father, Shamus.

To him, the great Paddy Gallagher was a huge smiling hero steering a great moving machine. To Paddy, young Shamus was a good lad to whom he had granted the occasional prized ride.

Headstrong even as a kid, little Shamus was polite, gutsy and dependable. So proud of the name his father Pa’s greenhorn Irish immigrant friends called him, James in Irish, when he first signed his new name he misspelled the title. Stubborn Shamus refused to change the spelling even when he knew better.

That’s why, when company bosses told Paddy he could choose a partner, Paddy asked a determined 10-year-old Shamus to ride with him during the yearly contest to crown the best laundryman in the city.

Paddy knew Shamus would never give up.

Rushing from truck to house and back again, Shamus clutched as many bundles as his bony arms could carry. At the end of each hot summer day, he’d go home buoyed by the spirit of the day.

When the weeklong competition ended, the judges presented Paddy with a stunning, top-of-the-line Elgin pocket watch. Paddy took Shamus to a restaurant and bought him all the chocolate milk he could drink and a fat, precious hamburger that would have elated any Depression-era child.

When Paddy died 50 years later, he willed that watch to Shamus. The Hope Diamond wouldn’t have meant as much to my dad. I inherited the treasured ticker as Shamus’ time on earth ran out.

That cherished pocket watch stayed with me until the day two years ago when a burglar broke into our Hill Section home while we were away and stole heirloom jewelry that belonged to my wife Stephanie’s family. Paddy Gallagher’s watch disappeared as well.

Yesterday, while I sat writing a different letter to you about a different gift I planned to give you on this wondrous day of your baptism, Stephanie’s soft voice sounded over my shoulder. While looking for that other gift, she found a rolled up sock hugging a corner of a drawer at the back of the dresser. Inside she found Paddy Gallagher’s watch she had tucked away for safekeeping before the burglary.

We both were sure the thief got the watch.

But time was on our side.

Shamus Corbett’s spirit still rises as strong as ever.

This morning I ran my fingers across the watch’s smooth surface. I thought about the human cadence by which we measure our stay on this planet and how in the mad rush of this wild world it’s easy to forget how much each second counts.

I wound the pocket watch and marveled at the moving hands that point toward the future.

Your time has come, Seamus Corbett.

Welcome to the world.


Your cousin,

Steve Corbett

August 7, 2021

Neglect Plagues Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Airport

On the very day Pennsylvania’s COVID cases screamed from 200-a-day to 1,000-a-day and the CDC issued desperate new masking guidelines to save lives, the director of the airport President Joe Biden flies into when he comes home to Scranton sent me a thank you note.

Frankly, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport Executive Director Carl Beardsley’s message is more of a screw you note to me and the president.

After a recent cross-country trip that took me and my wife to five major airports, we returned home July 20 at 11:30 p.m. to our local airport known as AVP, the professed gateway to Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Pocono Mountains. The next day I telephoned Beardsley to alert him to serious public safety violations of federal mask law my wife and I witnessed after we landed.

Beardsley said he was “very surprised” and “not happy.”

But he quickly disagreed and took offense at my observations that he and his staff failed at enforcing the federal law that his counterparts at every other airport I visited stringently enforced.

“You have a major problem,” I said.

“We don’t have a major problem,” Beardsley said.

Nothing like what we saw at AVP occurred in Chicago, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles or Washington, D.C.

As we waited for our luggage, four unmasked men lounged in chairs along the wall. Three of the four wore fluorescent T-shirts Beardsley said identified them as airport workers.

A single uniformed Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) officer stood by the upstairs escalator. The TSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that has authority over the security of the traveling public in the United States. We saw no other security or law enforcement officer patrolling any public space at the airport.

Too many travelers from our flight pulled off their masks as they waited barefaced and breathing for their bags. People arriving to pick up passengers also entered airport property without the required masks.

Wearing a mask or face covering in airports and on planes became federal law in February. The mandate came after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a mask-wearing order that built on an executive order Biden issued in January. The mandate is enforced through a Security Directive issued by the TSA and applies to customers and employees.

Based on what we saw at AVP you wouldn’t know a national health care emergency exists that has already killed more than 600,000 people in America.

With restrictions loosening, people get lax when they go to Walmart or to restaurants, Beardsley said.

Walmart and restaurants are not under a federal law requiring masks, I said.

Beardsley told me he planned to write a memo to all airport employees. He also complained he felt under attack and that I was “rude.”

Beardsley seemed oblivious to the potential life-threatening attack against me and anyone else at AVP facing potential COVID carriers who might infect us, making us sick enough to die.

Officials in Lackawanna and Luzerne counties who run the airport hired Beardsley in 2014 at a salary of $115,000 a year. Back then Beardsley also received a $400-per-month taxable car allowance.

Board members in May extended Beardsley’s contract for three years beginning July 1, 2021, at a salary of $130,520.00 with two potential extensions. Beardsley also received two additional PTO (paid time off) days.

Citing lawyer/client privilege, airport co-solicitor Don Frederickson, who also serves as Lackawanna County general counsel, declined to answer my question about whether he communicated with Beardsley about illegal behavior I witnessed on the night I returned to AVP from Washington, D.C.

Here are the questions I emailed to Beardsley about his promised solutions to the negligence I observed:

“Have you yet met with members of your team to discuss the violation of federal law requiring people to wear masks at all U.S. airports including AVP that we discussed on the phone yesterday?

What if any other action did you take regarding this failure to enforce federal law?

Did you write and circulate a memo as you said you planned to do?

If so, when can you email me the memo?

Did you write and send any emails to any government official regarding our discussion?

If so, when can you send them to me?

Will you discuss this matter at the next Bi-County Airport Board meeting?

When, where and what time is the next meeting scheduled?

Are you still director at the Aviation Council of Pennsylvania?”

This is Beardsley’s response:

Mr. Corbett:

“Thanks for your comments about your recent experience at AVP.  We strive to provide the best customer experience at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport.

We’re mindful of your concern and the other comments we receive on various topics.  We are always working to achieve positive results for everyone. Reminders of mask mandates are certainly a part of this and are handled through our regular in-house communications and updates.

The next time you find yourself at AVP and are faced with a similar situation, please don’t hesitate to visit the Airport Security Office or the Ambassador desk to report it.  I am confident that they will help you anyway that they can.      

As for the next board meeting, it is scheduled for August 26th at 10:30 a.m. and my term as president of the PA Aviation Council has concluded.

Thanks for using AVP.”

The only good news in Beardsley’s responses is that his taking up space on a statewide aviation council has concluded.

My wife has already filed a formal TSA complaint.

I plan to file mine soon.

An otherwise excellent airport my wife and I have used for decades whenever we can is now an embarrassment Beardsley is too inept to fix. Taxpayers don’t need local political provincialism to get any worse than it already is.

Next time Biden comes to Scranton for an event he might want to land elsewhere and drive the rest of the way home.

Political germs are bad enough.

Killer germs are far worse.

The White House: A Short Story

You’d have thought bartender Mikey Hoyle hit the lottery when he asked the first drinker of the day the biggest question of his thus-far unsuccessful life.

You see what Scranton City Council did the other night?

Blinkers O’Malley looked up from reading the Times-Tribune obituaries to make sure he wasn’t in them.

Passed a resolution to burn the mayor at the stake as a witch?

No, smart ass, they voted anonymously to name the expressway after Joe Biden.

You mean unanimously.

When this is over I’ll bet every one of them wishes their names were secret, Mikey said.

They’ll never get all the words on the exit sign without misspelling at least one of them.

The President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Expressway is a mouthful all right.

The cops won’t write tickets because it’ll take too long. Blinkers said.

They changed Spruce Street to Biden Street, too, Mikey said.

At least that’s easier to say.

I know something easier to say than that.

Shoot, Blinkers said.

The White House.

You can’t call a street the White House, you goof.

No, but tell me it’s not the perfect name for our new strip club.

The White House on Biden Street? Jesus, that’s brilliant. The town hasn’t had a strip club in central city since they closed the Pub Charles.

That was only topless. Our Oval Office Dancers will be topless, bottomless and clueless.

The drunk college kid housing and them new young professional lofts are nearby.

We’ll run the club as a BYOB.

Bring your own boobs?

The two men laughed for a full minute before slowing down, coughing, wiping their eyes with the backs of their hands and getting back to business.

We’ll call lap dances flesh conferences, Blinkers said.

We’ll get Joe’s son Hunter to cut the ribbon on opening day, Mikey said.

Yeah, he cuts the ribbon and the girl’s clothes fall off.

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up to see bare naked democracy in action at the White House on Biden Street in the heart of the president’s birthplace, Mikey said.

Biden Street will be one of Scranton’s most prestigious addresses.

We can name drink specials after politicians.

Gimme a CC and Casey, Blinkers said.

I’ll have a Cartwright Colada, Mikey said.

Blinkers got so excited he spilled his glass of beer on his newspaper.

There gotta be an exotic dancer somewhere we can hire named Jill, he said.

Hey, hey, hey, knock it off, Mikey said.


Show some respect for the First Lady, OK? Those traditional Scranton values Joe’s always talking about mean something here. Never forget where you came from.

Sorry Mikey, I don’t know what I was thinking.

Mikey Hoyle stepped back, crossed pale, thin arms over his chest and put on the shit-eating grin that made him famous all over West Side.

I got a better idea, he said.

We get a Black dancer and call her Kamala.

What’s That Spell? A Short Story

From a distance, Tracy looked like any other rural high school cheerleader resplendent in her long straight hair, colored knee socks, short pleated skirt, bright sweater and assorted rustic hometown wholesomeness.

More and more in her daydreams, though, she fantasized about combat fatigues. With cammies on the brain, Tracy wanted to kill ’em all, let God sort ’em out. Love it or leave it, that sort of thing.

Still, Tracy took her cheers as seriously as an executioner throwing the switch in Texas.

Push ’em back, shove ’em back, way back meant just that and then some.

Making a ballet of walking to the pile of bricks she had earlier stacked beside the crumbling red brick wall of the abandoned sawmill in the woods that paralleled the river and the railroad tracks, she adjusted her orange letter sweater with the big black S stitched on the front and inspected several broken chunks before choosing numerous whole bricks.

Sunbeams burned in Tracy’s thick head of custard yellow hair as she called each cheerleader’s name. One by one, a dozen senior high school girls walked to the small mountain of bricks stacked near where they often sat cross-legged for secret meetings, drinking fruity wine coolers and discussing boys and college. Tracy handed each cheerleader a brick, addressing the group like she was a cross between a pill-addicted den mother and an alcoholic Marine Corps drill instructor.

We’ll be engraving our names on these bricks next week for the new Cheer Walk of Fame they’re building outside the school cafeteria, Tracy said.

But since we’re cheering at President Trump’s comeback rally tomorrow night, we need to choose one of us to symbolize our Christian faith, she said.

Except for Mary, the girls cheered. Mary, a senior, just looked confused.

Joe Biden’s the president, she said.

The other girls acted like they didn’t hear her.

Only one winning brick has a white cross painted on the underside, Tracy said.

I’m so excited, Betty said,

You go first, Lois said.

No you, Linda said.

Betty raised her hand.

Won’t the school be upset with our cheering?

They better not say anything, Linda said.

Tracy placed her hands on her hips in a defiant gesture of bold courage the way she did when she was five and refused to eat her canned peas and carrots.

Let them try, she said.

Mary stared hard at her saddle shoes.

Shouldn’t we, like, ask permission?

The other cheerleaders ignored the question.

Tracy broke the ice.

Hang Mike Pence, she said.

Linda looked confused.


None of the girls laughed.

The former vice president of the United States, Mary said.

He’s a traitor, Tracy said.

Linda perked up.

I want to nominate a new vice president, she said.

Except for Mary, the girls cheered.

That new blond girl from the South is so cool, Linda said. Like, she’s a congressman and still owns her own gym and shoots guns and hates that Marxist girl from New York.

All the girls cheered except Mary.

Joe Biden won the 2020 election, she said.

The other cheerleaders ignored her.

Time to announce the winner, Tracy said.

Speaking with cold confidence, she ordered the girls to look at the bottom of the brick each carried in her palm.

Who has the white cross?

The girls held up their bricks. Tracy put on her best Crest toothpaste smile, showing the thin plastic line of a yellowing, yet expensive, retainer. Mary pointed to the bottom of her brick adorned with a white cross. The girls jumped up and down, waving paper pompoms, leaping high into the air as they bent their legs at the knees behind them and turned their heads to cheer.

You win, Mary, you win!

But Trump is so gross, Mary said.

The cheerleaders gasped.

Linda moved toward Mary, but Betty held her back.

Now Lois, shrieking with joy for Mary, rushed to give her the biggest hug ever.

I wish I was you, she said.

I don’t want to meet Donald Trump, Mary said.

Tracy spit words dripping with bile.

Meet him? What gave you that idea?

Mary felt sick.

You hate Trump because you’re a sinner, Tracy said.

If you’re really, really sorry, you just might get into heaven, Linda said.

OMG, you are so lucky to maybe meet the Lord, Betty said.

Tell Jesus we sent you, Tracy said.

Linda threw out the first brick, opening a gash above Mary’s left eyebrow. Betty’s brick broke Mary’s nose. Lois’ brick broke Mary’s left cheekbone.

Tracy got so excited she threw wildly and missed, high and outside. Then she wound up with all the might and focus of the district champion softball pitcher she was and fired a killer strike that fractured Mary’s skull in the name of making America great again.

Mary died before she hit the ground.

The girls cheered.

Gimme a T.

Gimme a R.

Gimmee a M.

Gimme a P.

What’s that spell?

