With one sinister stroke of his expensive presidential pen, Joe Biden betrayed the decent people who live in his Scranton birthplace.
Biden recently commuted convicted child slave trader Michael J. Conahan’s 17 ½- year federal prison conviction for racketeering, freeing him from serving the rest of his prison sentence. The 72-year-old degenerate former Luzerne County judge made big money selling children into institutional slavery — ordering boys and girls as young as eight into for-profit juvenile prisons in exchange for more than $2 million in cash he shared with another depraved county judge.
With one demonic stroke of treachery, Biden destroyed his own legacy.
For this evil act America’s 46th president must never be forgiven.
Nor should Conahan be absolved of his vicious crime. But there’s not a goddamn thing we can do about this shameless ex-convict living large in the Florida sun except forever shun him and anyone who has anything to do with him.
The doddering hustler who campaigned for president in 2020 as Scranton Joe is another story. We law-abiding coal crackers must make him pay. We owe swift retribution to ourselves and to the promise of a moral nation built upon the notion of liberty and justice for all.
No discussion about building Biden’s presidential library in Scranton should ever be considered. Instead, a hometown developer with a clear conscience should buy Biden’s former home on North Washington Avenue where he lived until he was 10, tear down the house and build a safe space playground for at-risk children, a memorial park that symbolizes our solemn vow to protect future generations.
America needs to forever remember the despicable hardship wrought by anile Scranton Joe Biden.
While we’re at it, Pope Francis should excommunicate Biden from the Roman Catholic Church where Biden hides in his faithlessness without begging forgiveness or confessing his most grievous mortal sins both public and private.
Most immediately, though, the downtown street and expressway fawning elected Democratic government officials named in Biden’s “honor” must be renamed Spruce Street and the Scranton Expressway respectively rather than the now shameful Biden Street and the President Biden Expressway.
Both roadways now reflect nothing but dark highways to Hell.
One child in the “Kids for Cash” horror story later shot himself though the heart and died. Another child died of a drug overdose. Countless youngsters among the thousands Conahan condemned to endless suffering live in life’s shadows fighting the demons trauma and hopelessness inflict on them. Yet Biden willingly wielded his presidential pen like a slave master’s bullwhip, gifting renewed power to Conahan and opening raw, fresh wounds that never heal on the psyches of countless damaged children and the people who love them.
Now linked forever these two reprehensible and always dangerous fools care nothing about improving the lives of others as long as they get what they want. If Biden possessed any honor whatsoever, he would admit he was wrong for releasing a public menace back into civilized society. If he were able, Biden would do something to remedy his own recklessness.
If Biden asks bootlicking Democratic state, Lackawanna County and city elected officials to remove and replace the road signs, these lackeys will no doubt quickly do whatever they can to comply with his wishes. Otherwise, Gov. Josh Shapiro, County Commissioner Bill Gaughan, Scranton Mayor Paige Gebhardt Cognetti and other professional Biden flunkies will refuse to budge, continuing to defend Biden the way they have done from the start of Biden’s delusional tenure in the White House.
A recent wishy-washy editorial in the Scranton Times-Tribune waffled on whether to remove the road signs. As expected, the newspaper’s timid feature-writing columnist Chris Kelly has shied away from supporting the community he serves, people who deserve better than the double-dealing consequences of Biden’s sellout. More lap dog than watchdog, Kelly’s snark is always worse than his fight. So don’t expect homespun print and/or broadcast media to lead the charge to promote brave Scranton values rather than the phony scripted scruples Biden claims to uphold.
We the people must accomplish this mission by ourselves.
Until now only well-known regional Republicans, including bigots, reprobates and other clods, have led rallies to publicly support renaming the Biden roads. I grudgingly voted for Biden in 2020, yet now find common cause with even these vile dimwits who oppose Biden’s commutation for Conahan.
Getting even with Biden is not a partisan political fight. Our crusade requires Democrats, Republicans, independents and even nonvoters who crave moral strength. Decency makes trustworthy people who we are. I’ll stand with anyone willing to question authority and fight America’s corrupt system that sells out hard-working, vulnerable people who struggle yet help make this country work.
So should you.
Scranton is not and never will be Biden’s hometown no matter how many times he claims our proud city as his own. By disrespecting ethical people everywhere, Biden has smeared Scranton’s stellar place in history.
Scranton belongs to those of us who live here, who value our immigrant story and the role our tough town still plays in fulfilling the American Dream for people the Democratic Party long ago abandoned.
Biden owes us.
We owe him nothing.