Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


brown wooden Buddha sits in the Lotus Beach Hotel lobby

gray black ink Buddha sits on my left upper arm

revealing clear tattooed commitment to calm

cut into bleeding skin when I began aikido practice many years ago

brown wooden Buddha wrestles with nothing

I’m still learning to breath

pure stillness

in the newborn island morning

when the way of peace and harmony

extends good ki energy  

amid madness

restraint breeds tranquility

so sit

just sit

be the brown Buddha

be the white light of love

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


walking a windy path to the edge

Ixchel closes her eyes

to see if she might stumble

undeterred by darkness our moon goddess never falters

never misses a step

balances on tip-toes to the jagged rim before falling from raw cliffs into a fruity cocktail-colored sea

unlike staggering rum-soaked conquistadors walking the plank

claiming her temple island for spain

Ixchel was here first

who did these self-proclaimed conquerors think they were

stinking lice-ridden fools

macho madmen

Ixchel bathes in fragrant moonbeams

marvels at freshly squeezed orange sunrise

sprinkles rich sea salt on delicious dreams

warm lunar love lights her way home

to shelter

in bounteous Isla Mujeres existence

forever rich on land, sea and air

atoms to atoms

dust to dust

beyond the beyond


walking with Ixchel

down our serpentine spiritual path

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


dusk in an empty room

shadows the past, present and future

in Isla

who once watched the sea I see through these very windows?

mysterious strangers visiting our Lotus refuge

feeling the Maya drum beat

in the cool air

seekers savoring comfort

relishing the scene

without fear

who are these laughing spirits now sitting across a wooden table

on a rice mat

on a polished marble floor

on cushioned wooden chairs

two women sharing a bottle of Blood Red Syrah wine


La Santa Muerte

our teachers regaling Stephanie and me with ancient legends

cast on the coming moonlight

floating on silver water

so we better understand, see and feel

mind-bending magic on this island of women

Tie Them Liberals to the Tracks

I hear the train a comin’ rolling ’round the bend

And I ain’t seen trouble like this since I don’t know when.

Get ready, Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton and God knows how many dirty little coal patch towns in between. The Trump train’s a coming to a re-election rally near you.

Beer guzzling Johnny Cash fanatics, four-wheelers driving drunk the wrong way down the interstate, SWAT team cops, ex-cops, state cops, local yokel cops, constables, county sheriffs, Secret Service agents past and present, military veterans representing all branches of the service, active duty Marines, soldiers and a bedraggled assortment of mostly redneck American laborers, bartenders, unemployed roofers and other discriminated against white men are prepared to tie you libs to the track and roll over you like a runaway Steamtown locomotive.

To take back America, that’s why! To make America great again! To shoot before they see the whites of your eyes.

Hold your fire, men.

Did I say shoot?

That’s right, son.

These new American revolutionaries ain’t playing.

Even hot-wired on Wild Turkey and two-step dancing in new work boots these boys get teary-eyed expressing their love of God, guns and guts, willing to pay any price to save all three. Barbecue, beer and freedom go together better than any Tinkerbell trio of drag show performers at the human relations commission annual summer picnic.

The New Breed (which sounds like a fitting name for the armed citizen revolutionary guards Trump will assemble from sea to shining sea if he wins a glorious return to the White House) will pick up their machine guns, grenades, semi-automatic rifles, flame throwers, handguns, and deer hunting bows and arrows, take to their used SUVs and pickups to patrol the streets of our nation in one big paramilitary vendetta coming for societal spies, turncoats and informers.

The New Breed don’t need no more corrupt judges like that commie in that Manhattan courtroom. The New Breed will create new order in the court. No Ma’am, the jobs and the courtrooms and military and even the Justice Department now belong to Trump.

Trump! Trump! Trump!

Now we got rare, beef-fed, red-blooded All-American boys and girls leading armed and dangerous local militia battalions ready to round up any and all alphabet soup LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ gays, Black power militants and immigrants with skin darker than the suntan you get on your arm (heavily tattooed with a Marine bulldog, a Confederate flag and a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon) from driving truck with your elbow resting on the window and your white t-shirt sleeve rolled to the shoulder.

That Lee Greenwood song “Proud to be an American” is already the new unofficial national anthem. Georgia peach congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green is already the new First Lady because, unlike Melania, Marjorie stood by her man.


Love it or leave it!

Forget about Joe Biden’s prissy little Amtrak choo choo train scheduled to head from Scranton to New York so them sissies U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and Congressman Matt Cartwright can Christmas shop and see the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.

Lock ‘em up!

Lock ‘em up!

But what if Trump’s locked up?

Don’t think for one stinking second you need patriotic special operations combat vets to free their leader from solitary confinement. Real Americans don’t need a Green Beret, SEAL team or DELTA death squad to blow the prison walls. Enough corrections officers who love Trump no doubt exist inside to sneak Trump out in a laundry truck and drive him directly to the Oval Office with a massive police, military and militia escort and throngs of supporters lining the soon-to-be crime free streets waving Trump flags along the route. This presidential procession will be better than any welcome home parade Vietnam vets didn’t get until it was too late.

But Trump was a draft dodger, wasn’t he?

Don’t you dare even think such subversive blasphemy.

Mr. President Trump was working undercover in a secret CIA classified mission so the North Vietnamese VC would think he was one of them so he could get close enough to Jane Fonda to hit on her Hollywood bones and singlehandedly capture the queen of the feminists by grabbing her by any damn body part he wanted. On his first day back in office Trump will sign a warrant for Fonda’s arrest even though she’s 86.

Lock her up!

Lock her up!

Hillary, too!




You hear that?

The Trump train’s picking up speed!

It’s coming for that scrappy kid from Scranton!

Corn Pop can’t save you now, Joe Biden.


Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


the man in the moon


with woeful eyes, mouth and nose




poor lonely man in the moon

he knows not the true meaning of his glow

lunar luster shines from her

not him

ixchel sitting on a sharp moon sliver  

a swing in our heavenly garden

radiating moonbeams that bathe life on earth

controlling the tide

giving heart to our planet

ixchel feeling sorry for fools who credit any man

with saving the world

ixchel knows the future is female

ask your mother, she says

better yet, ask the night light of the cosmos

ask ixchel

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


if you sit quietly watching coconuts sleep on a sturdy roof of sticks, you might notice the simmering carribean sea in the distance

you might wonder what lies beyond the glistening smooth horizon



an ice cream cone dripping on my tropical shirt decorated with lighthouses

where a laughing schoolgirl wearing a red bandana tied smartly around her neck lectured me in 1984 about how many languages she knew

asking if I spoke any of the tongues she commanded

I shook my head









when we laughed she laughed loudest

forty years later my answer remains the same


i’m a coconut sleeping on the roof

no more

next time in isla

i’ll speak better spanish

next time in isla

i’ll order several fancy cocktails at the guru beach club bar instead of my sad, single margarita with lime and salt

next time in isla

my tongue will dance the jarana as I roll my r’s across the roof of my mouth  

i might even sing a love song

next time in isla

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


alone in a leafy Lotus Beach Hotel refuge

vanilla buddha just sits

chock-full of paradise

slick black morning catbirds whistle

at cooey coy lovey dovies  

preening as ancient drums keep time

etching new psychic tattoos   

spreading nature’s portrait

an original face

looking back from the mirror at

drunken saints and sober sinners

ordering cold fresh fruit for breakfast by the beach

blackberry bliss

kiwi joy

strawberry paradise

banana split nirvana

sweet serenity in

a morning meal served in awakening heat

and humidity

on this hot and wondrous sweaty

moment to be alive

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


if you look closely enough you can see the black spiny-tailed iguana

she can see you, too

calling herself “espiga” she minds her own business

unless you bother her or her baby

then she bites

you can’t see the little one, though

calling herself “pica,” something that bites, she’s more daring

than her mother wants her to be

don’t bite unless you have to, her mother says

when you eat your flowers, fruit and eggs in the morning

chew with your mouth closed, she says

above all, be nice, mother says

it’s nice to be nice

don’t bite unless you have to

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


lost and gone forever, tourists say

moon goddess Ixchel listens to their harsh lies

see her so tiny in this photo

sitting on a sliver of moon

reflecting on these Maya ruins

collapsed in decay

gray stone temple above the sea

where female spirits rise first each morning with orange sunshine

slumber late at night bathed in lemon moonbeams

more powerful than ever

Ixchel flings psychedelic rainbows across an azure sky

from Punta Sur

the highest point in holy Yucatán

on easternmost Mexican ground

respecting nature

demanding parity

wearing a crown of wriggling serpents

controlling dead souls in a crossbones skirt

carrying a overflowing water jug

our snake wisdom conjurer blesses the rain

curses with floods

protects pilgrims

condemns culprits

betray our astral empress  

at your own risk

better watch your bones

Maya Poems From Isla Mujeres


you can’t see us sitting on the red plastic chairs at Picus Cockteleria

because we left

the empty table

with no evidence of our presence

gone was her grilled conch pounded flat and tender



who’s there


conk who?

conk anybody over the head who tries to steal a bite of her tasty sea snail

how do you say tikin xic I wanted to know

teek-en-sheek said the gold-toothed waiter



who cares?

yucatán tradition marinated in vibrant achiote paste made from crushed annatto seeds

giving it iconic bright orange-red hue

if only the smooth pink polished conch shell remained

I could join the two-piece house band

blow big notes like a maya warrior wearing an ancient feathered headdress

instead we danced in the sand on the way to the street

a table of four drunken women applauded when we walked by



who’s there