The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

Genesis That Offends

November 27, 2020

My novels and short stories shove readers’ brains deep into the messy word world of cultural chaos and raw violence. But, in most media interviews about Paddy’s Day in Trump Town, my most recent novel, I’ve focused on partisan politics and the distorted way too many people live in Northeastern Pennsylvania hard coal country. And, […]

Scranton’s Dirty Little Mind

November 12, 2020

¡Ay caramba! Putting out the Scranton welcome mat to small business owners of color is one thing. Pulling the rug out from under their American Dream is another. The affront is all the worse if city officials targeted one of an increasing number of people of Mexican descent in whose hands lies the future of […]

It’s Never Over

November 6, 2020

Seriously perplexed, Mikey Hoyle stood in the corner of the bar by the pool table. We won, right? Wilkes-Barre Mayor Spuds McAnus snapped like a moody red setter. Of course we won, said McAnus, who also served as Irish Guys social club president. Jesus, that’s a relief, said club vice president Hoyle. If Biden doesn’t […]

Feeling Better Already

November 3, 2020

You vote yet? After lunch. Irish Guys Vice President Mikey Hoyle loved talking about food a lot more than talking about politics. What are you having? Large ham hoagie, said Irish Guys President and Wilkes-Barre Mayor Spuds McAnus. The doctor says I have to cut down on red meat. Your doctor trying to turn you […]

The COVID Got Him

November 2, 2020

Bowing his head, Mikey Hoyle spoke in reverential terms. Twelve Pack Flynn died. Mayor Spuds McAnus’ mouth sprung open quick as a gallows trap door in the Molly Maguires’ movie. He didn’t. He did. He never did that before. The COVID got him, Mikey said. It’s no wonder, McAnus said, did you see the size […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch