The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch

To Live and Die a Pagan

October 7, 2023

At my friend Al “Sonny” Drake’s funeral at Indiantown Gap National Cemetery, about 75 members of the Pagan’s Motorcycle Club rode dark heavy metal beasts through the sacred green land of the dead, passing headstones commemorating warriors past, parking in a long line that reminded me of a fire-breathing dragon. Beneath wooden beams of an […]

Who Killed Juanita Todd? Part Fourteen

September 17, 2023

After almost four months of official silence, Luzerne County Detective Charles Casey last week called Odetta Todd, one of murder victim Juanita Todd’s two daughters, and asked to schedule an interview. Odetta said Casey told her Luzerne County District Attorney Samuel M. Sanguedolce and Wilkes-Barre Police Chief Joe Coffay will attend the meeting scheduled for […]

Who Killed Juanita Todd? Part Thirteen

September 3, 2023

You know the criminal justice system is broken when a white district attorney in an overwhelmingly white community ignores a Black murder victim’s daughter’s plea for help.   Luzerne County District Attorney Samuel M. Sanguedolce, a smug law-and-order Republican running uncontested for re-election, is ignoring murder victim Juanita Todd’s daughter Odetta’s plea for help. Neglecting her. […]

Who Killed Juanita Todd? Part Twelve

August 27, 2023

Where’s the knife? Where’s the murder weapon? On September 28, 1972, Wilkes-Barre police found a knife sticking out of Juanita Todd’s corpse. If they lost or threw away that murder weapon, city officials must admit and explain their recklessness. If police still possess the blood-smeared blade that’s crucial to helping solve the mystery of who […]

Who Killed Juanita Todd? Part Eleven

August 6, 2023

Now we wait. We wait after readers shared, discussed and took to heart each of 11 columns about Juanita Todd’s 1972 tortured killing I wrote and published each consecutive Sunday on my website and on Facebook. We wait after more than 50 years of heartfelt grieving. We wait amid the brutal fog of sexism and […]

The Outlaw Steve Corbett ink splotch